OnlyFans Review October 2024

Discover how OnlyFans offers creators a unique platform to monetize their content this fall season.
5,000,000 Members
 25 % ♀ 
 75 % ♂ 
Good For:
5 / 5
4 / 5
4 / 5
Success Rate:
30 / 10
38 / 10
33 / 10
Compare OnlyFans
Age Distribution:

OnlyFans in 10 seconds

  • OnlyFans is a subscription-based virtual service where content creators charge their "fans" to access their photos and videos
  • Has more than 50 million registered users and more than one million content creators
  • Users can set an amount of how much they want members to pay to unlock their exclusive content
  • OnlyFans subscribers can directly communicate with content creators
  • Has no strict guidelines in terms of content
  • OnlyFans doesn't have a mobile application
  • Offers general free services and options to upgrade - Learn more here
  • You can use OnlyFans for free
  • Pricing starts at US$4.99 / Month - More Information Author Chris Pleines
Chris Pleines
Founder of Datingscout and Author of the book "Online Dating for Dummies"
OnlyFans is a great platform, and members can have fun using the site. It lets you have sexy experiences that are similar to adult dating sites, and perhaps even more with the unique way of how it works. Have fun and get to know your favorite influencer by signing up at OnlyFans now!

Who is OnlyFans for and not for?

  • Singles who are into casual flirting
  • If you are looking for exclusive adult content
  • People who like to chat and meet strangers online
  • For people looking for serious relationships and deep commitments
  • For singles who want to fall in love
  • For conservative and uptight individuals
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OnlyFans Pros & Cons

  • Has great brand value when it comes to adult content
  • Subscribers and creators can communicate with each other
  • OnlyFans provides exclusive and personalized adult content
  • Users report that having an OnlyFans account bears negative effects on their reputations
  • Not everyone can secure dates on OnlyFans
  • Most of the content are edited and unrealistic

How does OnlyFans work?

How it Works
  • Creators can monetize their content
  • Creators can monetize their content
  • Works on Pay-Per-View System
  • Contact creators via posts, messages, and live streams
  • Hosts a variety of content genres

OnlyFans is a content subscription service that has gained popularity as a platform where creators can monetize their content, primarily catering to adult entertainment, although it hosts a variety of other content genres as well.

Creators set up profiles and can charge followers a subscription fee to access their content, setting their own rates. This direct-to-consumer model allows creators to earn money from their followers monthly, while also having the option to earn extra through tips or pay-per-view (PPV) content.

OnlyFans retains a percentage of the revenue generated, typically around 20%, as a platform fee. The platform provides an avenue for creators to build a dedicated fanbase and engage with them through posts, messages, and live streams, while followers benefit by having exclusive access to their favorite creators' content.

This system fosters a more personal interaction between creators and their audience, making it a unique space within the social media landscape.

How much does OnlyFans cost?

Can you try OnlyFans for free?

  • You can use or try the service for free.
  • You cannot send messages for free
  • You cannot read messages for free on OnlyFans

Is OnlyFans expensive or cheap?

In comparison to other providers OnlyFans is average.

Duration / Credits / CoinsCostsTotal
Minimum Subscription Rate Per Profile
1 Month4.99 USD / Month4.99 USD
1 Month4.99 USD / Month4.99 USD
Free Features
  • Create a profile
  • View profile and cover photos
  • Upload content
Premium Features
  • Subscribe to a profile
  • Send a message
  • Read pay-per-view message

Content creators at OnlyFans can set their desired subscription rate but it should not be less than 4.99 USD or higher than 49.99 USD. Creators can also set up tips or paid private messages for at least 5 USD. You can add credits of any amount to your account and spend them on features.

How can I delete my OnlyFans account and cancel my subscription?

Please find more information here

Back to Overview

Who is signed up on OnlyFans?

5,000,000 from New Zealand
Members activity
900,000 active weekly
Gender Proportion
25 %
75 %
  • There are more men than women
  • Majority of the members are young adults
  • Most of the members live in the United States
  • Members are mostly straight singles
  • Content creators have various niche from lifestyle and fitness to cooking

Most of the members are from the United States, but there are members who come from the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Norway, Denmark, Chile, and Thailand.

In terms of gender, men dominate women significantly as the former make up 75 percent of the population. Most of the members are straight singles who are from the United States.

People who join the site are content creators who upload photos and videos covering various topics. These topics range from health and lifestyle to sexy modeling pictures that allow nudity.


OnlyFans Age Range and Age Distribution

  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55+

New members at OnlyFans in October 2024 in comparison

Here you can see how membership figures at OnlyFans are developing compared to others

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OnlyFans in Detail

  • Reading time 16 minutes
  • Lots of insider information for more success

How to Sign Up for OnlyFans

  • You must be at least 18 years old to sign up
  • You can sign up using your username and password
  • You must sign up to browse OnlyFans

To sign up, visit the OnlyFans website. To complete the registration, provide all required information.

Required Information on Signup
  • Name

OnlyFans offers the following methods to verify your account:

  • Verification email (optional)

Making Contact on OnlyFans

  • Messaging creators will require a subscription
  • Several fun features
  • Sending messages to fans is free
  • Creators may send single message to all of their subscribers at once
  • You can receive monetary tips through DMs
  • You can send pay-per-view messages

    The communication features at OnlyFans is one of the most creative out there. It makes sure that the creators can use messaging as a way to earn while making it fun and engaging to subscribers.

    Through messaging alone, OnlyFans offers a variety of different fun features such as:

    • Automated Welcome Message - Thank your subscribers for following you by sending a short but sweet welcome message.
    • Mass Messaging - You can send a message to all your subscribers at once using this feature. Most content creators use this to let their subscribers know about a special stream or video.
    • Receive Tips - Subscribers can send tips to content creators through personal messages.
    • Send Pay-Per-View Messages - Content creators can send special messages that can be unlocked by paying.

    OnlyFans Profile Quality

    • Following profiles requires a subscription fee
    • Viewing profile and cover photos is free
    • Content creators can upload as much photos and videos on their profiles
    • Subscribing to a profile gives you access to all the content
    • Subscription is done once for every profile
    • Profile pictures are visible to everyone for free

    Profile page subscription is where the members create the dough on OnlyFans. They can have full control over their content and show their ideas through videos and pictures. This page almost has a similar layout to Instagram, but members can lock their profiles for a fee.

    Members can set their subscription amount and for how long. Some creators give discounts for long subscription of three or six months, etc. OnlyFans take 20 percent of what the members have brought in and cash out their earnings after 21 days.

    Most of the content are locked for premium, but creating a profile is entirely free. A lot of the content are explicit so users have to be at least 18-years-old to signup. For security purposes, OnlyFans verifies the age and identity of a user before they can use major features such as monetizing and subscribing to other members.

    OnlyFans App

    OnlyFans Mobile
    • OnlyFans doesn't have a mobile application
    • Has a mobile version
    • Mobile site can be accessed through any browser
    • Mobile and tablet compatible
    • Mobile site is easy to use

    OnlyFans has no official mobile application, but users can use its mobile site instead. The mobile version can be accessed through any browser and is compatible with almost any device. The mobile site is easy to use and has the same features as the web version.

    Special Features

    OnlyFans has the following unique features to make the platform more engaging for content creators and subscribers:


    What better way to engage with your subscribers by asking a poll? Let them vote, suggest, and hear their concerns on a specific topic through this feature.


    The vault stores all of your photos, videos, and live streams which you can check out in the future for reposting.


    You can upload the highlight of your day through this feature by uploading a snap or a short video.

    Page Statistics

    Keep track of your visitors and other important page statistics through this page. You can learn where the majority of your subscribers come from, their age, or gender.

    Co-Stream with another Creator

    Reach out to several fanbases by collaborating with other content creators.

    Congratulate your Top Fans

    Give your top fans a little something to be happy for and thank them for appreciating your content by congratulating them through this feature.

    How can I delete my OnlyFans account and cancel my subscription?

    How can you cancel your Subscription?

    • You can cancel via profile settings

    Will your subscription automatically renew?

    • Yes, your OnlyFans subscription will automatically renew. The notice period for opting out of automatic renewal is 1 Day.

    Is there a money back guarantee and do you get refunded the full amount?

    • Usually you will not get back the full amount, it will be reduced by the time or credits you used for OnlyFans.

    OnlyFans FAQ


    What is OnlyFans?

    It is a social media site where members can monetize their content by implementing subscription rates to unlock their profiles.

    Does OnlyFans have an app?

    It is only available as a website at the moment. However, if you open the site on your mobile browser, it will work just like an app.

    Who can join OnlyFans?

    Legal aged adults 18-years-old and above may join and needs to present a government-issued ID to verify.

    Does OnlyFans have a website?

    Yes, it has a website where members can use their services.

    What is the average age of users on OnlyFans?

    The average age of OnlyFans users is between 28-36 years. You can find more information here


    How does OnlyFans' services work?

    It works by setting up subscriptions to profiles so they can monetize their content behind a paywall.

    Can I delete my account anytime?

    Yes, you may delete your OnlyFans account anytime by going to the Profile Settings.

    How do I contact OnlyFans?

    To get in touch with their support team, you may send them an email or visit the Help page of the platform.

    How do I withdraw money on OnlyFans?

    Once the funds have completed the eight-day pending period, you may withdraw them to your bank account. However, you have to accumulate enough balance that is over the minimum of the withdrawal amount.

    Can I browse OnlyFans without an account?

    No, you cannot browse profiles on OnlyFans without signing up.

    What is needed to open a OnlyFans account?

    To open a OnlyFans account, download the OnlyFans App on your iOS or Android device or visit the OnlyFans website. To complete the registration, provide all required information:
    • Name


    Is OnlyFans free?

    It has a combination of free and paid features. However, creating an account is totally free.

    Is it free to join OnlyFans?

    Joining is free, but you will have to use a working Facebook, Twitter, or email address to finish registration.

    Is OnlyFans' messaging free?

    Unlimited chatting and sending messages is reserved for paying members only.

    Can you try OnlyFans for free?

    How much does OnlyFans cost?

    OnlyFans typically costs between 4.99 USD and 4.99 USD. Compared to other dating services, OnlyFans's membership costs is average. You can find more information here

    How much does it cost to sign up on OnlyFans?

    You can sign up for OnlyFans for free, but to use its premium features you must upgrade. You can find more information here


    Are there bots in OnlyFans?

    The site requires members to verify their age before being able to use most of the functions so there are no bots that could interact with members.

    Does OnlyFans require a profile picture during signup?

    It does not require a profile picture right away to finish registration.

    How do I report a member on OnlyFans?

    There is a report button present on every profile. All you have to do is to click on that and it will be submitted to the admins for verification.

    Can I write my personal contact information on my OnlyFans profile?

    Yes, you may do that if you want, but it would be safer to just let OnlyFans handle the payments and share as little personal information as possible.

    Does OnlyFans sell your data?

    No, OnlyFans does not sell your data.

    Was OnlyFans hacked in the past?

    No, OnlyFans was never hacked.

    How accurately does OnlyFans track your location?

    OnlyFans does not track your location.

    Do your OnlyFans profile pictures or profile information appear in Google Search Results?

    Yes, your OnlyFans photos and personal information may appear in Google Search Results.

    Who can view your pictures on OnlyFans?

    All OnlyFans users can view your pictures.

    Is your phone number required for signing up at OnlyFans?

    No, you don't need a phone number to sign up on OnlyFans.

    Can you erase your personal data on OnlyFans?

    Yes, OnlyFans provides an option for users to erase their data.

    How can I delete my OnlyFans account and cancel my subscription?

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    Final Results table

    Signing Up: 4.0 / 5
    Making Contact: 4.0 / 5
    Profile Quality: 4.0 / 5

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